viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012


A beneficial effect, relaxing, uplifting for the morale and adding zest for life -all of this characterize the effect of music, or at least some music, on the human central nervous system. It contributes tidily to the release of endorphins, those substances which produce a sensation of well-being and optimism in the brain, and which also stimulate existencial satisfaction while increasing the level of natural neurotransmitters such as dopamine.

Music -or a certain kind of music- opens the mind, reconciles our wiew of life, and creates expectations of the future. It is the most sublime art, common to all human societies, and always related with positive ceremonial experiences and celebrations. It is a didactic, mnemonic medium, endowed with the divine virtue of wrapping messages in a casing of love and harmony, so as to make them unforgettable.

By a certain type of music I mean that which is able to harmonize the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which is the case with lyrical music whose greatest exponent was the on-of-a-kind Mozart. His music calms, acts upon the imagination and the subconscious, and stimulates receptiveness and perception, breaking down the negative barriers of self-protection that modern education imparts to the individual.

Lyrical music is extremely useful as a supporting tool in the installation of suggestology and sophronic programs for the champion, because it acts as a catalyst of psychic energy, relating it with emotion and reinforcing long-term memory.

THE CHAMPION DOCTRINE:  Muscle is in your mind

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